Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trust, Respect, Belief

Yesterday was Katelyn McIntosh's Birthday.

And i started to think to myself why, and what is it, that makes me so attracted to this girl?

And it comes down to

Then i started to think more about those 3 words and what they mean, what they really mean and when i did think about just that, i found that those three things can be applied to everything in life.

In religion, relationship, college, with friends and over all life.

Now this blog is nothing like my first few and i probably wont ever write another one like this but as i kept thinking about these things it become more and more true to me.

Trust, respect and belief. Its all you need in everything in life


  1. i really like this one.
    its amazing how this guy cn write so passionately about anything and everything.

    he is right though, life does come down to those three things.

    this boy has alot of talent and i cant wait to read more
