Saturday, May 16, 2009

Interview with up and coming amature boxer Dan Norman

Matthew: When did you start training to become a boxer?

Dan: about a year ago, I started training, pretty much liked the sport and just my dad took me to the gym.

Matthew: Why did you want to become a boxer?

Dan: well i had a idol, he was a heavyweight boxer, his name was Tommy Morison and he was the WBA Champion of the world, i just really took interest in him i really wanted to be in his position at that time.

Matthew: So Tommy Morrison was your motivation?

Dan: Yes he was, he was a great fighter and i really liked him

Matthew: and your hero?

Dan: yes, he is my hero

Matt Why, why is he your hero?

Dan: Well just a very good fighter he was a very unique fighter, he was just a awesome fighter, i see a lot of him in me so i just like him a lot.

Matthew: Whats your training routine?

Dan: Well i get up at5 o'clock in the morning, every morning, i ran about 2-3 maybe even 4.kilometres, then i get back to bed, get up at 10 o'clock, walk my dog for 2 kilometres, probably wait until about 4 o'clock, then i might just go to the gym for about 2-3 hours , train pretty hard there , sweat up a bit, come home ran 2-3 maybe 4 kilometres again,and then go to bed, there we go, and get up in the morning again.

Matthew: Do you have a set diet to help with that routine?

Dan: yea, i try not to eat too much but i try to eat my vegetables, greens as usual, i try to eat health,whatever i can you know, i eat a bit of raw eggs, stuff to keep the protein up, strength up.

Matthew: so, your first armature fight was gonna be in about a months time, but somethings happened what was it?

Dan: well, yea, i have to go to hospital for key hole surgery, so its pretty much yea.

Matthew: When will your first armature fight be, now?

Dan: i was hoping, August maybe i don't know we'll have to see what happens when i get out of surgery.

Matthew: Are you excited about starting your amateur career, a bit nervous or whats going on?
What are you feeling about your start off

Dan: Well i probably will be nervous, i gotta control the nerves definitely, i gotta keep up the energy, but control the nerves and don't go ahead and you know don't get out of hand with the nerves and get too scared which i probably wont be scared but we'll see how that goes.

Matthew: here at this gym that you train in. you train with a number of boxers are there any issues between the boxers, any a little bit, of competition or something?

Dan: We have our doubts on each other, we all spa and get you know kinda rowdy a bit and you know, little low blows and elbows and little accidental things happen you know but what happens in the gym stays in the gym

Matthew: So, competition is high while at the gym?

Dan: Ah yes, its good, it keeps us all on our feet, you know, keeps us all strong.

Matthew: prepares you well?

Dan: Yes, it keeps us strong and wanna to train more you know.

Matthew: Has boxing helped you in any other part of your life?

Dan: Its helped me lose weight, definitely lost a lot of weight, and its helped me build up my strength, umm i don't know what the girls think,, maybe they think i might look a little bit better but.

Matthew: yes, the girls always very important there, umm whats happening there?

Dan: oh ahah, no one in my life at the moment, I'm not too much into, well I'm not interested in looking at the moment, i just whatever finds me finds me so.

Matthew: They all love ya, yes, well they will be soon anyway. What weight class are you in?

Dan: umm I'm a heavy weight at the moment, umm i might go up or down depending on how much weight i lose depends.

Matthew: What do you desire to be in? What weight class do you want to be in?

Dan: Definitely heavyweight cause all my favourite boxers, top 5 favourite boxers are in heavyweight so that where i really want to be in. What division i really wanna be in.

Matthew: What does height mean, to you, in the heavy weight division?

Dan: Ah well, see theres a lot of tall heavyweights, and they just want to keep you away with one punch , which is the jab and i want to, you know since I'm a small heavy weight, I'm 5 foot 10, 5 foot 11 1/2, sorry, umm just want to duck, weave, you know its gonna be a lot harder for them to hit me with just that one punch they have, the jab so i just duck, weave, do whatever i can you know with my height so its a lot harder for them to fight a smaller fighter

Matthew: so its better to be smaller?

Dan: Ah well, depends what type of fighter you are, if you learn, you might be better at the jabbing, you might be better at the in-fighting like i am., you might be better at you know different types of fighting styles

Matthew: so thats what your game plan is, well the heavyweights is your division obviously, so you try to get in there so they can't use there reach?

Dan: yes, yes, ah, i try and, thats called in-fighting and i try and get int here so they cant use their reach and then they really have nothing against me so pretty much belting away at their stomachs and you know do upper-cuts and use my height to my advantage.

Matthew: Ok, Where do you realistically see yourself in 5 years?

Dan: I'm hoping to be professional in 5 years, 5 years time, hoping to be a world known fighter, i don't want to be just a Australia fighter just cause you know how that goes, but yea

Matthew: Will that be in 5 years though? Will you be world known in 5 years?

Dan: I'm hoping because you know a lot of fighters have, from Australia have become world known, umm

Matthew: Such a young age?

Dan: Yea, such a young age i guess

Matthew: Boxing terms? boxing terms is that young?

Dan: What is?

Matthew: Well in five years. five years you'll be 23, is that young in boxing terms?

Dan: Umm well for a world known boxer, the biggest boxing country in the world is America, so if i just make it into America, you know i can get my lucky shot, take that lucky shot and push it you know, see where i can get.

Matthew: so America is where you want to be?

Dan: yes definitely

Matthew: Definitely, Alright ah thank you Dan and umm thanks for the interview and hope to talk to you soon, in i don't know, a few months a couple of years, see where you are then

1 comment:

  1. good luck dan :)
    his a great boxerr
    number 1 fan
